Contact Us

10 King Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
P O Box 668, Hilton, 3245, Kwazulu-Natal

Phone: 033-345 7635



If you have a problem, we have the solution. Please see the following for services we offer to help you resolve your water problems.


Borehole installation is an area where contractors can cut their costs in ways that cannot be seen until much later, so the least expensive quote is not necessarily the best. Choose a contractor with a proven track record and a written guarantee. If they offer a maintenance contract it is likely that their work will be of a high standard.


Borehole Camera Investigations

Provides a down-hole view and a detailed 360° continuous scan of sidewalls.

Borehole Data Logging

A Data Logger is an Electronic Instrument that records measurements at set intervals over a period of time.

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Borehole equipment, installations and repairs

Full Installation of Pumps to suit any requirement.

Borehole Siting and Borehole Drilling

We use the services of Highly Qualified Hydro-Geologists and Drillers who are members of the Ground Water Association of KwaZulu-Natal and we take on term keys projects.

Borehole Yield Testing

A yield test involves a test to see the balance between the maximum amount of water that can be pumped out of the borehole and the surrounding ground water source.

Iron Oxide Management

We stock the only environmentally friendly product in South Africa for the removal of these problems, making sure that your water flow gets back to normal without the hazards of using harsh chemicals that damage our ecosystem.

Sewerage Plant Installation & Maintenance

We install and maintain Sewerage Treatment Plants specified to your specific requirements.

Water Quality Analysis

Offers SABS Water Quality Testing on agricultural, industrial, residential and rural water sources.


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